Chef’s and Restaurateurs

Since 1985 we have been supplying some of North America’s most notable restaurants and chefs with artisan quality farm products. Our products regularly graced the tables of Chez Panisse, Zuni Café, Quince, and here in Canada – Bishops, Farmers Apprentice, Hawksworth, Savio Volpe and others.
We grow a number of high quality and unusual products for the restaurant trade including white and green asparagus, cardoon, baby artichokes, strawberries, raspberries, blueberries, French melons, specialty watermelons, French filet beans, baby ginger, herbs, greens, roots, grain, dry beans and much more.
Each Sunday we e-mail our weekly Fresh Sheet to chefs on Salt Spring Island, in Victoria, and in Vancouver. Orders need to be in by Tuesday at 12:00 p.m. for Wed./Thurs. deliveries.
We have learned a lot from our relationships with chefs, our variety choices and growing methods have evolved as a result of the valuable feedback we have received over the years. We look forward to working with you and responding to the particular needs of your menu and your clientele.
Please contact for a new client form.